Something about consequences
There's only one basic human right.
The right to do as you well damn please!!!
And with it comes the only basic human duty.
The duty to take the consequence!!!
S takimi rečmi se tolažim...
What if someone doesn't care about the consequences?
The right to do as you well damn please!!!
And with it comes the only basic human duty.
The duty to take the consequence!!!
S takimi rečmi se tolažim...
What if someone doesn't care about the consequences?
At 3:25 pop.,
Barbara said…
Evo, couldn't agree more...
Se mi zdi, da se mi ravno tole spoznaje zdaj "dogaja".
O posledicah pa jaz pravim, da jih moraš vzeti v zakup in se jih zavedati. Če se pa kdo ne ozira nanje in dela preko "trupel" pa to že ni več enako tvoji "definiciji".
Lepa hvala za "potrditev" mojih misli... Paše!
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